Keeping Americans Safe

Product Liability Attorneys

You’ve been hurt by a faulty product and you’re swamped with bills and stress.

Don’t face it alone. Product liability attorneys are experts at fighting for victims like you. They’re fearless against big corporations and their lawyers, working tirelessly to get you the compensation you deserve.

This article will guide you in finding the right attorney for your case.

It’s time to exercise your rights and get justice.

Tips for Finding the Best Product Liability Lawyer

When you’re searching for the best product liability lawyer, start by getting referrals from family, friends, or other attorneys who you trust.

It’s crucial to know upfront what you’ll be expected to pay, so always discuss fees and payment arrangements during your initial consultation.

Lastly, don’t forget to verify your attorney’s expertise in product liability law, as this knowledge can significantly impact the outcome of your case.

Get Referrals From Trusted Sources

You can start your search for a top-notch product liability lawyer by seeking referrals from sources you trust, such as other attorneys, family members, and friends. These individuals can provide you with firsthand accounts of their experiences, enabling you to gauge the potential lawyer’s competence and reliability.

In addition, if you’ve previously worked with a lawyer on different matters, don’t hesitate to ask for their recommendations. They’re likely to have professional connections with product liability experts in your area.

Professional attorney organizations and state bar associations can also be valuable resources for finding reputable lawyers.

Always remember to conduct your own research on the recommended attorneys to ensure they’ve the necessary skills and experience to handle your case.

Know How Much You’ll Pay

Understanding the potential costs is a crucial step in choosing the best product liability lawyer for your case. You don’t want to be hit with excessive legal fees while dealing with an injury. Thankfully, many product liability attorneys offer a contingent fee structure. Under this arrangement, your attorney will take a percentage of the compensation you receive. If you don’t win your case, they won’t receive any fees.

However, be aware that you may be responsible for certain costs like court filing fees and travel expenses. Always ask about these potential expenses upfront when selecting a lawyer. With this approach, you can find an attorney who’ll fight for your rights without breaking your bank.

Confirm Your Attorney’s Expertise

Often, it’s essential to confirm the expertise of your product liability lawyer, ensuring they’ve specific knowledge and experience to handle your unique case effectively. Given the wide range of defective products, from toys to medical devices, it’s crucial that your attorney has successfully handled similar cases previously.

For example, a defective toy claim necessitates different expertise than a claim involving a faulty hip replacement joint. If you suspect others have the same injury, consider a class action lawyer or one experienced in multidistrict litigation. These strategies, common in defective product cases, allow for multiple claims to be resolved simultaneously.

Carefully vetting your lawyer’s experience and specialty ensures you have the best possible representation in your product liability claim.

Why You Need a Product Liability Lawyer

When dealing with product liability issues, you need a lawyer who can adeptly decide on the best legal arguments for your specific case. They can assess if your claim qualifies for mass torts or class actions, and accurately identify all potential defendants.

Furthermore, their negotiation skills or courtroom abilities can ensure you achieve a fair settlement or a favorable court outcome.

Decide on Legal Arguments to Make

As you navigate through your product liability claim, you’ll need an attorney to help you decide the most compelling legal arguments to present in your case. Here are crucial reasons why:

  1. Strict Liability: This rule holds manufacturers accountable for product defects, regardless of negligence. If a product causes harm when used as intended, your lawyer can argue for compensation based on strict liability.
  2. Negligence: Your attorney can build a case showing the manufacturer’s negligence, such as a flawed design or failure to identify side effects.
  3. Failure to Warn: If the manufacturer didn’t provide adequate warning of potential risks, your lawyer can use this as a significant argument.
  4. Breach of Warranty: If the product fails to meet promised performance, your attorney can argue a breach of warranty.

Choosing the right legal argument can significantly enhance your chances of winning your case.

Understand Mass Torts and Class Actions and Whether Your Claim Qualifies

Understanding mass torts and class actions is crucial if you’re considering a product liability claim. A skilled product liability attorney can help determine whether your case qualifies. If a defective product has caused widespread harm, you may have the option to join a class action suit or participate in a mass tort.

In a class action, you join others in suing as a group, but you give up some control over your case. Alternatively, in a mass tort, individual cases are tried before the same judge. The choice between these options is complex, impacting your rights and potential compensation.

Your attorney can explain the pros and cons, guiding you towards your best option. Remember, legal expertise is vital in navigating this intricate process.

Identify All Potential Defendants

If you’re considering filing a product liability claim, it’s crucial to pinpoint all possible defendants, and that’s where a product liability lawyer comes in handy. They help you:

  1. Identify the Manufacturer: The company that made the product is usually the first to be held accountable.
  2. Pinpoint the Retailer: The store that sold the defective item may also be liable.
  3. Find the Distributor: Any entity in the chain of distribution could be held responsible.
  4. Uncover Additional Parties: Anyone involved in the design, production, or delivery of the product can potentially be a defendant.

You’re not expected to navigate this complex process alone. Having a knowledgeable attorney on your side maximizes your chances of obtaining the compensation you deserve.

Negotiate a Settlement or Present Evidence in Court

When you’re battling large corporations in a product liability case, you’ll need a skilled attorney to either negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf or present compelling evidence in court.

A product liability attorney can help you navigate the complexities of the legal system, ensuring your rights are protected. They’ll meticulously gather evidence, interview witnesses, and build a strong case to maximize your compensation.

If negotiations fail, they’ll present your evidence in court in a way that adheres to court rules and convinces the court to award you generous damages.

Don’t underestimate the power of a seasoned product liability attorney. Their expertise can be the difference between a disappointing outcome and a fair resolution that compensates you for your injuries and losses.

Choosing an Experienced Product Liability Lawyer

Before you dive into the process of selecting an experienced product liability lawyer, it’s crucial to know what to look for and how to evaluate potential attorneys. This decision could significantly impact your chances of success in your product liability claim.

  1. Expertise and Experience: Look for a lawyer who specializes in product liability cases. They should have a proven track record of successful outcomes in similar cases. Ask about their experiences, their wins, and how they’ve helped clients in situations similar to yours.
  2. Reputation and Reviews: Check the attorney’s reputation within the legal community. Read online reviews and testimonials from former clients. A lawyer’s reputation can give you a sense of their abilities, integrity, and commitment.
  3. Communication and Availability: Your lawyer should be someone who communicates clearly and promptly. They should be available to answer your questions, explain the process, and keep you informed about your case’s progress.
  4. Fees and Payment Structure: Most product liability lawyers work on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if they win your case. Make sure you understand their fee structure and any additional costs that might come up.

What are the elements of a product liability case?

When you’re involved in a product liability case, there are key elements you need to understand.

These include negligence, breach of warranty, and strict liability.

Each of these components plays a crucial role in determining fault and liability, and consequently, the outcome of your case.


In your pursuit of a product liability case, understanding the role of negligence is crucial. Negligence implicates that a manufacturer didn’t use the care that an ordinary manufacturer would in designing, manufacturing, or in failing to warn of a product’s danger, resulting in injury.

  1. Design Negligence: If it’s proven that the product’s design was inherently dangerous and a safer design was possible, the manufacturer can be held liable.
  2. Manufacturing Negligence: Occurs when a product deviates from its intended design, making it more hazardous.
  3. Failure to Warn: This arises when a manufacturer doesn’t provide adequate warnings about the product’s potential dangers.
  4. Causation: You need to establish a direct link between the negligence and your injury to make a successful claim.

Consult with a product liability attorney to guide you through the process.

Breach of Warranty

Continuing from negligence, another vital element in a product liability case is the breach of warranty. This involves a manufacturer failing to meet their promised product performance, resulting in injury. It’s essential to understand that warranties can be express, implied, or of fitness for a particular purpose.

When a product doesn’t perform as warranted, the manufacturer, and possibly retailers, may be liable. For instance, if a power tool is promised to have a safety feature that fails, causing you harm, you could have a case. It’s crucial to keep any written warranties or packaging that express these promises.

Also, remember that breach of warranty applies not only to you, the purchaser, but also to any foreseeable users of the product.

Strict Liability

As you delve into the complex world of product liability, understanding the concept of strict liability becomes crucial. Under this theory, you don’t need to prove the defendant’s negligence, but rather the inherent dangerousness of the product.

Here are four key elements you must establish in a strict liability case:

  1. The defendant, part of the product’s distribution chain, sold the product.
  2. The product was defective and unreasonably dangerous, leading to your injury. Defectiveness can be in design, manufacture, or warnings.
  3. The product was unaltered from its sold condition.
  4. Your actions didn’t contribute to the injury.


Don’t let the weight of a product liability case crush you. Seek a skilled product liability attorney who knows the ropes and will fight for your compensation. They’ll guide you through the legal maze, ensuring you understand every phase of the case.

It’s your right to demand justice and accountability. Remember, your choice of attorney can make or break your case. So, invest time in finding the best.

You’re not alone – together, you can conquer this.